The Answers

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Ask the Question

Speak to me, I hear you calling
Tell me of the secrets locked deep inside
Give me the key to unlock the depths of my sadness
The heights of my happiness
Swing with me on ropes braided with love and compassion
over waters brimming with understanding

Ride with me on horses over meadows
filled with flowers reaching to God
And give me the answers to my questions
Dig deep to expose the roots
The beginning of time

I walk with purpose in my steps and I listen with love in my heart
For I know the answers are coming
I can touch the top of the mast that is the sail to the wind that powers the truth

My arms are wide open to accept the beauty of my answers, the breadth of the love, the contentment of my heart


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Intuitive | Author | Creator | Change Maker | Good Animal

10 thoughts on “The Answers

  1. Oh, this is incredibly beautiful Lorrie!! Wow! You are just an amazing poet! It is a poem to read over and over again. It is so full of emotion and sincerity and love. Thank you so much for letting me read and enjoy it!! 🙂

    1. Thank you beautiful Line! You are an inspiration to me and I feel the love and support that you always give so freely. I hope you are settled and that you will be surrounded in love and happiness this Easter Weekend. Many blessings to you…As you extend SO Many blessings to others!

    1. Thank you so much Andrea…The words come from my heart…to have them viewed as “real and truth” gives me a beautiful feeling inside 🙂 Many blessings to you!

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