Haiku ~ Multiple ~ 9/7/14




2014-09-07 09.38.17

Road goes on for miles

Driving through wind and rain

I can barely see


It becomes pitch black

But there is light up ahead

Keep your sights set there


All will be revealed

The purpose for the darkness

When the time is right






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Intuitive | Author | Creator | Change Maker | Good Animal

34 thoughts on “Haiku ~ Multiple ~ 9/7/14

    1. Hi Louise! Thank you…you know I think it’s purpose is to bring us to…and to understand…the light!!! 🙂 May you experience all the love that is in the light! <3 <3

    1. Hi Tammy! Yes! Thank you…for stopping by…and for adding 🙂 I think I have spent a lifetime of FEAR of the darkness…but I am beginning to understand that it plays a necessary role…and there is no need for fear! Hope you have a beautiful Sunday! ! <3

  1. But there is light up ahead!
    Yes, there is ALWAYS light up ahead!
    I love the last haiiku:
    “All will be revealed
    The purpose for the darkness
    When the time is right”
    I agree with you, there’s also a “purpose for the darkness”…
    Very profound and beautiful. Thank you dearest Lorrie!
    Now I’m going to try to write ONLY for your a very special black and red LOVE Haiky: (I wisj it worked)

    ♥ <3 ♥ <3
    <3 ♥ <3 ♥
    <3 ♥ <3 ♥

    1. Oh…it worked dear one!!! I am amazed that I can understand you when you write with hearts!!! It was the mosy beautiful Haiky 🙂
      Thank you so much Frédéric. I was so obviously inspired by our drive…and I am always inspired by you! Thank you for being attached to my soul <3 ♡ ♡♡ <3 <3♡<3

    1. Thank you so much!! I took the photo today and used the “negative” function on my phone. It kind of gave me what I was looking for 🙂 And yes…we should all hang in there because “This too, shall pass! 🙂

  2. Clever Lorrie, hijacking haiku for lessons about the darkness. I fear for you and Frederic, playing with the darkness. XD
    How wonderful that you both share such a passion for life. blessings, Brad

    1. Hey Julie! Thanks!! What started as a haiku about driving in the rain…took on a whole Other meaning for me too!! Glad you enjoyed it! Hope your world is bright and shiny 🙂 <3

  3. Beautiful analogy!!! Darkness peaks at times through twilight mysticism…a moment of heavenly blessings enlightening each souls path of life 🙂
    Wonderful haiku’s Lorrie!

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