31 thoughts on “Haiku 9/16/15 ~ Understanding

  1. An Augustinian maxim Lorrie: “Cum dilectione hominum et odio vitiorum”, which means “With love for humankind and odium of sins.” I think this is rather profound, as contained within it is the wisdom that though we may be sinned against (an immoral hurting) by the actions and words of others, still these same are not the person themselves, at least, not their true and authentic selves.

    We see, as you have, that to project blame onto others is in many respects an avoidance of accepting that we create our own suffering in very large degree. Of course, those sins and hurts impact upon us very deeply at times, perhaps for whole lifetimes, and yet the maxim holds true throughout, and if we can love the sinner but not the sin, then therein lies a route to forgiveness perhaps? H <3

    1. Ah! Hariod…YES! I love your response as it speaks to so many things that have been on my mind…or in my heart lately! The thing that it brings up for me, is that we read maxims such as this, or wisdom from others who have gone before and we can agree, yet there is that moment when time either stands still for a moment or at least slows down long enough for our minds to catch up with our souls, and then TRUE understanding takes place. It is like something that I have always known and yet have forgotten; that I can intellectually ‘know’ when someone else speaks or writes about it, but it doesn’t have the impact on the ‘whole’ being right down to the cellular level, and perhaps beyond until there is UNDERSTANDING! I don’t know if I am explaining what I feel, but I have been in a very powerful place lately…and I have had some amazing shifts in soul. I honor your comments here…and I honor your friendship! Thank you, Hariod! <3

  2. Oh Lorrie, everytime I catch up with you, I am in awe. What a beautiful revelation that I will integrate into my life – bringing what seems external and out of our control to something that we can confront and address. This post, for me, is all about self-empowerment and that is a beautiful thing to experience and particularly beautiful because it’s from you. Much love, Harlon

    1. Hi Harlon 🙂 I got such a wonderful wave of energy flowing from you as I read your words…and that makes me sooo sooo happy! Ah! Harlon…it is hard to explain why this is all happening…so quickly…so powerfully, but I am ‘going with it.’ No…no fighting this…just breathing deep and exhaling and then floating wherever inspiration takes me! Thank you…you know how I honor our connection, our friendship!! <3 <3

      1. Wonderful, go with it indeed, and be aware of your breathing and then float and soar. It’s what you’ve supported me in doing. xo Harlon

  3. I totally agree with your comment Lorrie. There is so much that I “know” but not until I feel & live it in my body do I truly understand and learn the lesson. Lovely haiku and insights. blessings, 🙂

    1. Thank you Brad! Yes…you managed to say in a few words what I had trouble expressing…and I thank you for it! And I am so happy you ‘get’ it! But I suppose that is what our journey here is all about…how we each as individuals ‘get it’ in our own time…in our own way!! Much love Brad!

    1. Thank you Staci 🙂 it is a very good week as I am on the move again 🙂 The weather turns a little cold and I fly south with the birds 😉 Much love and hugs back!!

      1. Oh, that’s great Lorrie. Glad to hear you’re on the move again. You must be VERY happy about that. I know I’d be. I’m not much for staying put :-).
        You’re flying south? Where are you flying to?
        Love and hugs.
        🙂 <3

  4. When we see the answers to our lingering questions, we truly get a wonderful sense of knowing. And peace. Much love and blessings to you <3

  5. What a joyous feeling, is it not? Or if not joyous, then grounding at least. Safe. Reading these comments, I relate completely to the way these “understandings” have to move from intellectual acceptance to lived, heartfelt knowings to really release their healing fragrance. It is like reaching the summit of the mountain you’ve been hiking up for so long, always looking at the summit, noting to yourself– yes, of course I know what it is… it’s just right there… the open space on top… But then when we occupy the summit and take in the view, we are struck with awe…


    1. Ah! Michael!! ‘to release their healing fragrance!” How I love this phrase…it is like a flower that gently blooms and fills our senses with its beautiful scent! So delicate…so honoring of truth. Something huge has opened inside me…this feeling is so amazing…so loving and kind! I’m not exactly sure how this occurs…and the urge is to grab it …and hold on to it because it is so beautiful! But I think the key may very well be to bathe in it…like a luxurious bubble bath…and just let it be! I am praying that I am able to to do just this 🙂

      Thank you friend…your beautiful soul is a part of this…I am sure! Have a blessed weekend ♡♡

  6. When we get quiet and still, when we are ready, the truth rises to the surface, like looking in a mirror and seeing something new and wonderful! I feel happy for you! (For us.) This is one of the good things about getting older. Enjoy! 🙂

    1. You said it JoAnna!! I love ‘truth rises to the surface!’ Isn’t it amazing how it can get buried the way it does? I wish you great growth and understanding…and I am grateful we are on this journey together♡

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