Have I Been Wrong?

Can it be that I have had it all wrong?

Is it possible that the damaged soul

I have been trying to HEAL

Is not so damaged after all?



Perhaps it bends

and flows

with the life force I feed it



Maybe it adjusts illumination

depending on how much light I allow in



Is it possible the frayed edges are so

because the strong hold of good

has defended its place?



I think it’s time

that my thoughts live up to

the heart of my soul,

which beats clear,





I send you a blessing that the inner guidance from your soul may be heard, and that it leads you on the journey of reacquainting with your mind.

May what you look at and now SEE, be in tune with your soul’s purpose.


Lorrie <3


Posted by

Intuitive | Author | Creator | Change Maker | Good Animal

86 thoughts on “Have I Been Wrong?

    1. So brightly!! Thank you my friend <3 It is a most beautiful feeling to honor the "whole" of life…to know that even in darkness there is beauty because it teaches us so much! Thank you Dennis!

    1. Hi Lorrie! Thank you 😉 I couldn’t agree more…and as I am in the process of learning how to feed my body (total junk food junkie) I have to admit that it ALL fits together so nicely! Sending beautiful blessings for a SUPER DAY!! <3

    1. Thank you, Mary!! I love how these posts develop…I started playing with an app where I distorted the flower…then I remembered something I had read earlier in the day…so that is how the quote on the picture came about. Then, the next thing I know the rest of the post just falls into place! I so appreciate your lovely comment…and wish you lots of love on this incredible day!! <3

  1. Your words are both eloquent and profound, dear Lorrie, and your images are enchanting. Bless you ♥

  2. It sounds as though you’re journey has taken a beautiful turn, finding your way back home to love and acceptance. Thanks for sharing the beautiful words and flowers to reflect your wise lessons. Hugs and blessings my friend. 🙂

    1. Hi Brad! Thank you! I think I may be the thing that ‘turned’…All the talk about us being in control of our own thoughts and, therefore, feelings may finally have become truth for me. It’s not that my life is trouble free – just that I am taking a new approach in how I view it. I have to say it is light years easier than the way I used to do it!! 😉 Many blessings to you ♡

        1. That’s where it all happens! I think, for me, once I realized the only thing I had control over was my thoughts…lots of things changed. Blessings dear Brad. It is a process and every one of us travels at our pace. Lots of love ♡

            1. Kind of similar…but the “control freak” in me likes to think I control something 😉 So when those icky thoughts come a traipsing, I spin them around and show them the door…and then replace it with a thought of love 🙂 Enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend, Brad!!

  3. Beautiful post, dear Lorrie! To hear our inner guidance and to see the path in front of us is a wonderful goal to strive for. Have a blessed day <3

  4. Beautifully written and a wonderful thought. Reminds me of my favorite quote by Rumi. “The wound is the place where the light enters us” I keep it where I can see it all day. Have a lovely Labor Day weekend.

    1. Thank you so much, Marlene!! I love that quote also 🙂 It speaks to so much that has happened in my life for which I am so grateful! I feel such an opening…and I am so blessed to have kind souls like you in my life ♡ Blessitude to you on this beautiful day ♡♡

    1. Oh, Thank you Kirt! I appreciate your kind words 🙂 I just like to accompany words with photos. ..maybe one day I will actually get a camera! For now, phone photos will have to do 😉 Blessings right back to you…have a wonderful Labor Day!

  5. Oh, Lorrie – at this point in life, I look upon the pain and terror I both witnessed and survived as having awoken me early on in this life! What amazing teachers these people were for me. (And no, I would never wish to return nor wish those kinds of interactions on anyone else.) Yet if not for this early instruction, I might never have understood and been able to help so many others. I might never have fully appreciated this precious life. I might never have lived in the moment for each moment of my existence – striven to fulfill every creative urge – demonstrated my appreciation to others wherever I went. If not for then, there could certainly not be now. Aloha, dear one! <3

    1. You made me cry reading this Bela! Thank you so much for adding your incredible spirit here…it is a gift to me…and anyone else who may read it! You spoke so eloquently of how the pain molded you…shaped you into the beautiful soul you are now! I’m afraid I did not learn maybe as early as I could have…I think I chose to pretend it wasn’t happening rather than face it and be healed. But I will not question the timing of my opening…I will just revel in the beauty and do my best to pass on the good feelings. You are a beautiful soul, Bela. I’m happy to know you!! ♡♡Blessitude!

      1. I would Not question the timing, no. I used to do the same – and now realize how grateful I am that I was able to pull free at all! In this lifetime! Early enough to still enjoy my days without the burdens of the past weighing me down. None of my other family members have. So you’ve got to give yourself big pats on the back. There, now give yourself some more 😉 Hugs and kisses across the miles <3 Aloha, dear one.

        1. Yes! In this lifetime…it is amazing. I can’t question it…because I know that every single thing that happens has meaning and occurs exactly when it is supposed to 🙂 I am lucky that my younger sister is opening and on this journey also…2 out of 6 ain’t bad 😉 It is especially wonderful to be able to experience this with her. Much love to you Bela…thank you for being you ♡♡

              1. Those questions in your piece were rhetorical, I know, so needed no answering, least of all by me. It’s really sounding incredibly positive, dear Lorrie. And by the way, junk food – you? Really?. You wicked thing! H <3

              2. Haha! Wicked beyond your imagination!! It is sad to say, but yes, I have not been the healthiest eater on the planet. Now that it seems harder and harder to maintain a good weight I finally had to face the fact that I can’t exercise enough to make make up for my wicked ways. I admitted very recently that my weight issues were not due to lack of exercise, but rather dependent on what passes my lips!! Oh!! The HORROR!! 😉

    1. Awww…Mino…Thank you so much for your very kind words to me! I am very grateful for to have such a nice connection with you. Have a beautiful week my friend 🙂

  6. When I read this, I felt something become more clear. Then I felt like cheering. For you and for me, for our frayed edges, and the good that has defended its place. (I love those words.) This is part of our healing. Perhaps we have come farther than we realized. We are stronger than we thought!

    1. I love this response, JoAnna! I am cheering also and just feeling so good inside. This journey is an amazing ride with many twists and turns and it feels so nice to write words about it that somehow touch another being. This is what it is all about for me…Thank you!!! Sending lots of love and hope that Hermine did not cause too much trouble where you live ♡♡

    1. I know Val! I started to think about that since I posted! Even though I thought I was broken and my life was ‘wrong’…and then I thought I was ‘wrong’ to think that…I have to find a way to navigate the JUDGMENT and just BE with whatever it is…because it IS…and whatever it IS…IS beautiful! !! 😉 (I think I make it harder than it has to be sometimes!) 😉

      1. We humans have such an amazing ability to analyze, judge and decree what is right and wrong. As I grow and get older I see that true joy and contentment can never live here. It is beyond our thinking abilities ❤️

        1. Agreed, Val! Life is such an amazing journey…much love to you ♡ (I was in your neck of the woods…well not really sure how close…I was in Feasterville…I thought about you 😉

  7. Dear Lorrie, I have been reading this post over again and trying to figure out what to say as a comment. I find myself sitting here going “WOW” and then a bit later “WOW” and then a few moments after that “WOW”. I felt so connected to your words that I felt that I was transformed by them, by you. This is “breakthrough” stuff and it is so beautiful to see you breakthrough. How lucky am I to be along for the ride? Love, Harlon

    1. Hi Harlon! I’m so happy you feel it exactly the way I do…all I can day and think sometimes is WOW! But then, of course we would feel similar 😉 Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me…I truly believe when one has healing, that beautiful energy radiates out into the world and helps others. Or at least that is what I wish with my whole heart! If enough of us stand together and do the work of healing I know we can have a huge impact on the world ♡ I hope that you are in a place of love and compassion, and that you are enjoying what is left of the summer. Much love to you, Harlon ♡♡

  8. I believe we are all broken beyond repair. We desperately try to look good to each other…yet we all know better, don’t we? Ironically, when we try to stroke each other’s egos, we become false with each other. Yet, when we dare to show each other our desperate brokenness, something breathtakingly beautiful happens: we begin to relate with each other…we begin being kind to each other because we know that we ourselves are in desperate need for this same kindness.

    This is the butterfly reality: the caterpillar that I am really does need to die – completely, in order to be re-created into a butterfly.

    God knows what He’s doing. He speaks through His creation.

    Now, I confess, I love to be honest about my brokenness…because being loved – truly and deeply loved – is so very healing and liberating. I don’t need to live a lie when the truth that I’m deeply loved by God and others brings me into a new kind of life, such that I’ve NEVER known before.

    A butterfly life: brief on this earth…yet, eternity is a Forever-NOW.

    1. Wow! THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your soul here! I have read your comment several times and I get something new each time I read it…but the main thing I get is the power of LOVE…the kind of love that begins when we learn to honor the truth about ourselves and when we learn to have compassion for all beings…no matter what is ‘wrong’ with them (or us.) I feel so connected to you through this one TRUTH…and the whole of Humanity could come together in this energy. ..I pray ♡♡ Thank you again…have a wonderful day!

      1. You know, Lorrie, had we been sitting at a table with coffee and cookies, I’m sure you would have looked at me sideways and said, “Are you alright? You seem a bit intense.” I would have replied, “Ya. Kind of.” …and then I would have taken two more cookies to feel better.


        1. Okay…now I’m just laughing!! We’ve never met but I had a flash of the bright and airy kitchen we were in and the light colored wood table we were at with chairs that had seat cushions in a flowered pattern…and I saw YOU 😉

          1. Spot on!! (barring the fact that they’re frayed, stuffing escaping old Christmas cushions from my mom-in-love 🙂 …and, had you really ACTUALLY seen me, I would have felt compelled to apologize for a no-makeup day [scary to the MAX]. Bless you for bearing with me. I will patiently wait for your next post. 🙂 🙂

  9. Lorrie, this is such a beautiful beautiful post. I am loving this journey with you my friend. And how we are illuminated through each step we take.. The light of which filters in allowing us to see the why’s of all the roads we travel through..
    I agree with Harlon. with his Wow factor..
    We grow through our perceptions and how we perceive alters our perspective… I am always in wonder at how life shows us our way and corrects us.. There are no wrong roads only detours my friend… each bend . each mountain we climb allows us to view a new… And we are all being ‘finely tuned’ as we alter our vibrations as we travel further up the hill.. 🙂

    Love and Blessings dearest Lorrie.. I am loving sharing your path my friend <3
    Hugs Sue <3

    1. Hi Sue ♡♡ I got so excited reading your comment…it was like it was rising and it reached a crescendo and my heart was overflowing with LOVE!! It feels so good to be connected with your loving soul. I begin every day with thanks and then the day proceeds to strum my heart and I gain knowledge that I did not have before. I love how you said that there are no wrong roads…because through my life I know some of my choices could have been considered ‘wrong’ but in hindsight I know that every single step has been on a stepping stone that elevates my soul! Much love dear friend…thank you for your blessing ♡♡

      1. The detours along our path dear Lorrie help us come to understand when we are on the right path.. And without the ‘views’ along the way, our life would not be as rich for the experiences.. 🙂 Love to you and thank you <3

  10. Enjoyed this post as always, the more we connect to our soul the more we understand our true being, we all have misunderstandings of how things real are. As we open our soul to communicate more we take differing view points on many things, especial those enforced limitations. Fabulous pictures.

    1. Thank you!!! You are so correct…especially those enforced limitations! I’m just so in love with life right now…it feels good 🙂 Have a super wonderful weekend ♡

    1. Hi Amy Rose 🙂 Thank you for your always loving support ♡ I hope you are in a good patch and that life offers you a beautiful gift this weekend! Much love, friend ♡

  11. Thank you for this wise reminder. I realized this morning when I woke that my body was telling me I felt terrible because I didn’t eat right yesterday. The food was healthy but not what the delicate balance 6 meals a day call for. Your message comes as perfect timing for me. Thank you. It’s a constant necessity of being aware of what it is we must do to care for ourselves to survive at optimal balance.

    1. Wow…I’m so happy you got meaning at the perfect time…that makes me feel really good 🙂 And I know what you mean about the ‘day after!’ This has been a long journey (still is 😉 ) and I’m so grateful for the lessons I am learning. Thank you for sharing your energy here! Wishing you Blessitude ♡

  12. This was glorious, Lorrie! It is astonishing, is it not, to realize the part we thought was broken, isn’t, and to reach the point where we are able to conceive of and experience what lies beyond that. Because once we thought and knew it was all there was. So we were trapped! But now we are completely free! Ha! Many beautiful comments here and there is little else for me to add. I’m sharing in this happiness and this joy with you, my friend.

    Peace and Love

    1. I’m so grateful to be able to share this also, Michael! This has been a year of great strife for me, but I have learned so much about myself and it has opened doors, doors that I didn’t even know existed!! And yes…that goes along with what you said about experiencing what lies beyond!! I thank you for your friendship, for our connection. You always light my life and when you stop by here and leave your energy I feel so blessed! Much love to you…and I will write soon ♡

  13. Lovely Lorie, how are you my friend? What a bright and cheery post. Did you take all the photos. They marry very well with your writing.
    Keep keeping it present Lorrie.
    Have a lovely evening and week.
    🙂 <3

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