Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream


Last night I dreamt about a person who is causing great difficulty in my life.  I was very upset by what this person did in my dream, which mirrored real-life situations, and it was the straw that broke the camel’s back (remember that game?).

I said, “That’s it!  I’m done.  Do whatever you want to do…I DON’T CARE!”

I left the hospital room and waited for the elevator.  My son suddenly entered the dream.  I looked to my right and through the giant floor to ceiling windows I saw a tidal wave heading towards us.

The wave never crashed over us and I remember saying, “We’re in the curl.”  We started to walk away from the windows and I could feel the giant building come off its foundation.  The ‘hospital’ suddenly felt like a ship.

A helicopter appeared overhead and my son was able to get aboard.  He reached for me, but I was not able to grab his hands and watched as the helicopter sped away.

Someone in the crowded ballroom shouted, “We only have minutes to live!”

That is when I saw the waiter, in full formal attire.  He held a tray full of drinks and set out to deliver them.

I grabbed his tray, set it down, and said, “If we only have minutes to live, we may as well go out dancing!”

We locked hands and arms and proceeded to waltz from one end of the ballroom to the other.

And I don’t know how to waltz!


Lorrie <3


The dream was so vivid in every detail…in all my senses and I was never afraid.  I believe it holds an important message for me.

I decided to share it to see if anyone has ideas about the dream’s meaning.  

I send you all blessings as we enter December!  Wow!  Never saw a year go by faster <3

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Intuitive | Author | Creator | Change Maker | Good Animal

71 thoughts on “Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream

    1. Hi DeBorah…thanks for responding 🙂 Yes… I looked up a few…and some things resonated. It was such a crazy dream…it felt like I was wide awake…and I didn’t question any of the crazy happenings.
      Hope you are well…Happy Sunday!

  1. Thanks for sharing your dream experience, Lorrie. Many dreams such as yours are about fears. From this dream you set a boundary or limit, ““That’s it! I’m done.” and was prepared for the consequences. The fear was an illusion as you were unharmed despite all the warnings. A powerful dream. -Many blessings Lisa xx

    1. Hi Lisa! Thanks so much for commenting. And you are so right about the boundaries…it is something I am working on constantly! It was very powerful and I have been thinking about it non-stop. I’m also happy that it was so vivid because for many years my dreams were not.
      Hope you have a super wonderful Sunday 💗

  2. I see the “that’s it. I’m done” as complete surrender. In that place, no matter what is happening in the world around us, we know we are free to dance and BE.


    1. Yes! Louise!! I also see it as surrender! I have been ‘fighting’ an issue even though I KNOW when we ‘fight’ something we make it stronger. Thanks so much for your take on This! Have a great week! 💗

  3. Wow, your dream was a doozy! I like that you set a boundary and decided to stand firm in love. Much like my recent post about the Grandmother’s advice to stand firm in love during these times of turbulence. To just notice the waves of change, but not get caught up and pulled into them.

    Stand in your fullness and rise up in love my friend. <3

    1. Thanks, Brad! It has been a hard lesson for me…boundaries. Especially when I didn’t fully understand what it meant to set them!
      I have to read your post… I so love when there is syncronicity in what we are writing.
      It is always a good thing to stand strong in love…may you do so this week…always!

  4. HI Lorrie, I am not sure if anyone mentioned this- but a friend always coaches me that every significant item in a dream is a “part” of you. What do the different people/items represent about you? (I am so glad you shared this by the way! ) 🙂

    1. I am going to have to analyze the dream in this way, Kim. Interesting…I Will have to do this when I can sit quietly and really think about it. Thanks for the suggestion! 😁
      Have a super week!

  5. What a vivid dream! The details. I love the zentangle. There are certainly archetypal symbols in dreams, but I find that each person has their own. You have followed your dreams. What are some of the symbols for you? I like to encourage people to be each part of the dream. Feel what it is like to be each person, each thing and see what comes up. I love, “we are in the curl.” There is so much emotion in the dream – the tidal wave. Water is one of the archetypal symbols for emotion and subconscious. You were able to stay centered within it. I love the dancing part too. And like other people have said – the boundary set, and the letting go of the upset. I love the waltzing! It is such a splendid dance – so freeing somehow. The helicopter was interesting. Sky being higher mind and spirituality. But helicopters don’t seem that spiritual to me for some reason. Maybe you felt you needed to stay here and see things through. Thank you for sharing this with us, Lorrie. Very cool dream.
    Peace and Love,

    1. Oh, wow, Mary…lots to interpret from your interpretation!! On the most superficial level I think the absence of fear was significant. I have been ruled by this particular emotion for most of my life. And I have had dreams of tidal waves before…never one that close (certainly not in the curl!) and I felt great fear in them.
      At times in life, I find it hard to let go of the way I wish, or think, things should be. The dream was also significant because it coincided, or possibly facilitated, with my ability to ‘accept’ a current situation and learn to deal with what is.
      AND THE DANCING…oh the dancing…it was WONDERFUL! I felt so light on my feet as we floated across the ballroom 😁
      Thank you, Mary. I will think more about the helicopter…because I, too, did not immediately understand it in the dream.
      I will also look at the dream from the different perspectives you noted.
      Hope you are better than terrific (an old friend used to say that!) Much love and many blessings 💗💗

      1. Yes! Not only were you accepting of what is, you were in the middle of it and just fine AND dancing!
        I keep feeling like…and of course it wasn’t my dream, but a helicopter is something not that attractive, loud and unnatural. Maybe you knew not to get in it because you were needed here somehow. Like here and now is more real. Just a thought.

        1. Yes!! And maybe it was “an escape” from my current problems…reach up and get pulled into the helicopter and then I don’t have to deal with any of this. And that is an attractive offer…to check out from my problems and not deal with it. And if I am completely honest I have chosen that option before. I was happy my son got away…and I can tell you I think if I REALLY REALLY wanted to get in the helicopter…I could have…so I made a conscious decision to stay and deal with my life!! Wow! I get what the helicopter was there for!! And I also recently have felt like I wanted to bail…like I couldn’t complete the task that I took on…that it was too big…and it hurt too much! But the idea of bailing goes against my very fiber of my being!
          This is a huge piece, Mary! Thank you!! 💜

  6. What a dream! Don’t know what it means for you, but it reminds me of the mantra I say to myself whenever fear and anxiety threaten to overcome: It’s simply, “My life is in your hands.” Your dream reminds me of the truth of that which gives me the courage to go forward. Blessings. 🙏

    1. Ah! Dennis…thank you for this beautiful blessing!! I LOVE ‘My life is in your hands!’ How can there be anxiety and fear when we know this simple truth!
      And I do know it…and I try to remind myself all day…everyday. I have learned so much and yet, it seems that there is more. I’ve always loved to learn so all is right in my world! 😉
      Many blessings 💜

    1. Amen!! Yes! And the waltz no less 😉 Thank you, La. I do feel as if I become stronger in my truth…every single day. Hope your week ahead is filled with love and light 💜

    1. Sooooooo timely! Thank you Michael 😁 It was very powerful and so realistic. I saw, heard, felt things…and the dancing (considering I don’t know how) was incredible! I had to make the drawing and share it here…and I think I will continue to learn about it.
      Many blessings…and thank you!

  7. Dreams use to have a message for us and we will get the dream in different ways, until we do understand this message.

    Sometimes it is important to say No to other people and this is, what I see in your dream. You are not scared for the consequences of saying No, now is enough.

    I do also try to understand my dreams.

    1. Yes! Thank you, Irene! And thanks for sharing on Twitter also…it gave me a big smile!
      You are spot on about saying ‘No!’ I have never been very good at it and it has cost me dearly. I have been afraid of standing in my power and taking care of myself…I have always put others and their needs above my own. But that is changing. And it is a good thing for me.
      And I am so happy to be dreaming again 😁😁
      Have a wonderful week, Irene! 💜

      1. I’m happy to hear, that this resonates with you, Lorrie. It is good to learn to draw the line for, what is fair to demand as limits for ourselves.
        Wish you a beautiful week too 😀

  8. Hi Lori, I don’t know what the dream means, but just before I opened this email I read a blog by someone who said they had the same dream last night about a tidal wave. Hopefully this is an energetic wave we’re talking about and not a literal physical one. I do love the part about the dancing.

    1. Oh…I hope so too!! 😁 How are you? Your message was in my spam (I rarely check it so I am thrilled I found you!)
      I hope that life is treating you well…showing you important messages and showering you with love!
      How is your painting…creating??

      1. Hi Lorrie, I have been focusing on the healing power of artistic expression the past couple of years, but this month, I’m coming back to the blogging world. I’m launching a site (not on WordPress) of my own that is about the intersection of creativity and personal evolution. Will send details. Oh, and I’m also going to be writing on Medium. It seems to be a good fit for me right now. I love that we are still in contact even after a hiatus.

        1. So happy to hear this…please keep me posted!! You truly were one of the first people that I felt so connected to when I started blogging. Your words speak to me as if I REALLY know you!! I’m excited for your new venture.
          Happy 2018…may it be full of sweet blessings 💜

  9. Our sub conscious tries to communicate what it senses and wants through our dreams.This is fascinating Lorrie!
    If it were my dream I would see it as a message for letting go and choosing to go with the flow. Letting go of holding on to others, and their baggage. Letting go of expectations. Letting go of fear. Taking responsibility for my self and how I want to live life. 💕

    1. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, And Yes, Val!!
      It is fascinating…and powerful! And all the things you mentioned above, too!! Thanks for your input, Val. I have been thinking about it constantly (and I have to admit that the song “Ain’t Nothing Gonna Break My Stride” has been playing over and over in my head [because the title of my post is that song’s first line] and it almost feels like an anthem!)
      Sweet blessings, Val 💜

  10. Wow! Amazing dream Lorrie. I have always been told that water in dreams means emotions and that tidal waves or big waves mean you are feeling overwhelmed. Also the helicopter could mean you are receiving help from your guides or people in your life, but perhaps you are not taking it. It’s good that you had no fear in your dream. Stand in your truth and watch how the universe supports you. 💕💚💕

    1. Ah! Thanks, Karen 😁 I did not think about the helicopter symbolizing that I am not receiving help from my guides or people in my life. The tidal wave symbolizing being overwhelmed definitely fits!!
      Thanks so much for adding your thoughts here. It has been such a blessing to hear other perspectives. Many blessings to you 💜

  11. Aren’t dreams fascinating?! So many possibilities. Big windows so you could see clearly the ominous wave coming. But then there’s this waiter, calm and going about his business in the curl. I’m intrigued by the waiter. My attention is going to him. He is someone to serve you. You chose to dance with him (a waltz!) and he agreed. Dancing is fun. I think it’s time for you to enjoy life. With someone comfortable, easy going. Is there someone waiting? I bet there is. I love the drawing with all those flowers. 🙂

    1. Yes, Joanna! The waiter was definitely a strange component. He never said a word to me…but took me and whisked me away across the ballroom 😁 And yes!! The windows…love that you noticed the HUGE windows…the clarity!!
      This has been so much fun…analyzing the dream…getting everyone’s ideas ☺ And the best part is the dream itself…I used to dream very vividly and then for many years it stopped! I love that dream…it was so real.
      And thanks for the nod on the drawing…I knew it had ti be drawn 😉
      Sweet blessings…have a super week 💜

      1. Years ago, I kept a journal beside my bed to write down my dreams as soon as I woke up. I discovered that I remembered a lot more that way. Now, they fade quickly.

  12. I don’t remember any dreams at night if I have them. I used to but not anymore. My daughter has several books on dreams but they tend not to be very helpful. Hope you figure it out. Let us know if you do. That’s quite the dream.

    1. Hi Marlene 😁
      Thanks…I think the dream was really powerful in many ways. Lots of it has started to ring a bell of truth. I, like you, stopped dreaming for many years…and I missed it! I wonder what it means when we stop remembering our dreams…will have to look into that. But this one was so vivid…so real. I can remember thinking…and feeling…seeing….smelling…feeling movement etc.

      I hope you are well…and in full swing for Christmas! Much love to you 💜💜

      1. Dreams of that intensity are more than dreams. You really should find someone who can help you understand it fully. I stopped dreaming when I stopped sleeping well. Full swing for Christmas is always a rush as I’m always way behind. Who knows, this year I may just get caught up. 🙂 Keep up the good work.

  13. Oh my goodness, Lorrie! The detail in this and the rapid “fire” different scenes that unfolded. I’d say no matter what the situation is you are free of harm due to YOUR decision of saying I’M DONE. And oh boy once you do say that and mean it, life will throw just about everything at you to change your mind to get back into FEAR. Another interpretation that came to me is … we just don’t know what the next moment brings so live life to the fullest and dance through it. Your dream inspired me to get up and dance through a walk in a park close by. “Hard day” today … So I thank you for sharing your dream because it encouraged me. FYI … I did NOT peek at any other responses so I have truly no idea what anybody else said. LOL MUAH! Much Love!!! 💝💝💝

    1. I also had a dream, one of my “premonition dreams” as I’ve come to call them. Very clear and the Message was clear as well. Someone from my family who I was thinking of opening my Heart to, this dream warned me this person is NOT who she wants me to believe she is. And I am not important to her. In other words as is the usual with my family, I would have ended up very hurt. Strange that we both dreamed. Huh. 🙂

      1. Yes…and my dear one I believe that your subconscious knows exactly what is truth. I am so like you…I “forget” easily and always think…oh…maybe this time will be different…and then it never is!!!
        Stand strong, Amy…you know in your heart and soul what the right thing is 💗

        1. THAT is the exact reason why this dream was so terrifying so I won’t forget. I like you think … this time will be different. I’m learning though that if people do not respect me or my life no matter who they are, they are not welcome in it. I’m no longer a sap or a doormat. (wink) I’m reading a book by Brene Brown called “Braving The Wilderness”. I highly recommend it! 👏🏼 5 stars!

    2. Thanks dear Amy! Yes…I agree with you that “fear” tries very hard to sneak back in. I am doing my best to “ride the waves” that are in my life right now. I’m good. It’s not easy but I know that there are peaks and valleys in life and I do my best to stay “up” through the times of adversity.
      I’m so happy that my dream could inspire you to dance in the park 😁😁😁 Giant smiles!
      My best wishes to you friend…and I send white healing light to brighten your day 💗💗

      1. Aw, Bless you, Lorri! Oh yes I contend with fear too but I shoo it away instead. I’ve actually said hello to it and made sure I’m no longer afraid of it. I’ll keep you close to my Heart as WE ride those waves together. I just sent a dose of Heart Hugs to you. Close your eyes and feel them. (BIG SMILE) 💝💝💝

  14. I an big about paying attention to dreams especially those that come in “technicolor” meaning vivid and detailed. My girls still call me to interpret these kind of dreams for them. I’m good at figuring it out for them because I know them so well and their individual issues….yours, all I can say is that it actually is a positive dream and the ending is actually moving forward in a life filled way…(your son is safe, so that worry is gone).

    Just some thoughts…have a great week!

    1. Ah! Yes, Kirt! I do so worry about my son…and I was so relieved in the dream that he took off to safety in the helicopter 😁
      And I, too, believe that the dream was positive in so many ways. But I particularly like how you said, “moving forward in a life filled way.” Beautiful!!
      Many blessings 💜

  15. Let go of all of your troubles in life.. Water is Emotion.. and allow them to wash over you, Keep in your bubble and DANCE.. 🙂 Laugh and ENJOY LIFE in the MOMENT. of Movement.. 🙂
    Happy weekend to you Lorrie.. <3 much love and wishing you a Wonderful Christmas.. <3 xxx

    1. Ah! Thanks, Sue 😁😁
      Yes…it is all those wonderful things and more.
      How are You? I will be over to ‘see’ but you have crossed my mind more than once over the last few weeks. I’m on a little “holiday”…much needed. So I have not been blogging. But it is an important time for me. Uncovering truths…dealing with pain…changing thoughts…and living life!!!

      I send you so much love and light. All my best wishes for a warm and wonderful Christmas. 💜💜

      1. I have not been visiting as many as I too have been away.. but a few poems were in the schedule.. Glad you are enjoying a mini break.. And it is just the right time, when we finally shed the layers which have laid heavy.. ENJOY and much love and Peace.. xxx

  16. What a dream..

    You dancing 💃..
    in the curl of the tidal wave 🌊..

    I think 🤔 it probably means…

    You have to make best of whatever situation you might be facing.. with grace and find the joy in it….

    1. The dream…though a few weeks ago…is as fresh in my mind as the day I dreamt it! 🙂 Thanks for adding your thoughts…I would agree…and I am working every day to make the best…and to find the joy!!

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