I’m a firm believer that the Universe constantly gives us signs. Possibilities…they are limitless. But as humans, we have free will. We get to decide every single aspect of our lives, one of which is what signs do we choose to believe, and/or follow.

The signs can be subtle and easily missed. And then there are times where the message comes through so perfectly crystal clear, that you can’t ignore it.

Well, that is unless you’re like I am. The crystal-clear message is so obvious that I think, “Oh, that’s TOO obvious – maybe it’s not a message for me after all.” HaHa!

I am really laughing because I just had this whole conversation with myself. I can imagine the reaction of the Angels, Guides, God, when I ASK, “Is this really a sign?”

Perhaps there is a piece of me that thinks if it’s too obvious then it’s not “magical” enough. When in reality I should be thinking, “Hey, this message is so loud and clear that I really better pay attention!”

All I know is that this life is magical, and its beauty is multiplied when we are willing participants who honor each moment with Blessitude.

We design our lives and live with the outcomes of our thoughts, expectations, and deep-seated beliefs. Something tells me if you believe in signs, then you will get really good at noticing them and your life will follow a path that has Divine inspiration.

And if you don’t believe in signs, you can blithely wander life’s path and see where you end up. Either way works! 🙂

I’d love to hear your thoughts on “signs” and whether or not you follow them.

Sending lots of love and light as the month of April winds down. I have never seen time move faster than it appears to moving right now!! Also heading in to the full moon energy on Tuesday. Is there anything that you need to release?


Lorrie <3


Posted by

Intuitive | Author | Creator | Change Maker | Good Animal


  1. I really love this post, Lorrie! I have always considered my growth to be a journey and imagine my dreams are the signposts.

    I think there are signs all around us, and the awareness of them is so insightful. We both are very interconnected with our journeys – it’s really incredible!!

    Sending you much love, my friend!

    1. Hi Judy <3 Thank you! is incredible the way our journey's have intersected. I know that we have had many similar experiences, and then some very different ones as well. But the beautiful thing is that we both cherish life and the creative process. We both know that that kind of inspiration is what has enabled us to move forward through the hardest times.

      I know you notice signs, Judy. And I know that you follow your dreams too! And that is one of the things I love about you so always move forward in the direction of your dreams!!!
      Here's to a life that is full of inspired action!! <3

  2. Haha, oh Lorrie, the things I ignored in my youth, all because I didn’t trust myself. My gift of a ‘knowing’ that comes through has always been pretty sketchy, sometimes loud, sometimes a whisper, but in my younger days that lack of trust made me ignore them. Many the hole I stumbled into 🤣
    Then as I got older and told people things, the reaction was so bad I clammed up and just did me. Until finally a nice lady asked me to talk to it in meditations, ask it of my journey with this part of me and either stand within it or let it go. Timing too I might add. I had just begun my Remedial Massage training and as I ‘focused’ in my work I was almost meditating with every client. In this messages came through or parts that were medically wrong with them but I had to be careful because I was not allowed by law to diagnose anything, I could only ‘suggest’ a doctors visit to check something that didn’t feel right.
    It has been a powerful growth to accept who and what I am in all these years and understand the integrity, trust and love of me and others, in standing in it. But the one thing I would say is that it is a gradual process. To learn I’ve got something and as time goes by to understand it, I’ll put my ego in there, and learn to let that go. I’ll learn to stand in that integrity, and then understand and stop sticking my nose in. To learn to give from it unconditionally, not because I wanted to be loved. It’s like life, many the stumble, and much much love in doing it. Ooh, did you want a post? 🤗🤣❤️🙏

    1. I ALWAYS want a post, Mark!! 😊 It’s funny, because I imagine you write just as you speak and I feel like I can almost “hear” your voice.

      What a gift, Mark! And I completely understand the progression of your acceptance! Not totally understanding it…then being excited and sharing and being met with cold stares! That’s the beauty of aging, I suppose…we grow into who we are and we understand more and more as time moves along. I love that smart lady who asked you to talk to it in meditations! It seems once you embraced the gift, it became stronger. But why wouldn’t it? Without full acceptance it’s like a struggle…and I think “gifts” aren’t into struggle. I think they are offered, and then it is up to us to allow it to live freely.

      Something tells me you helped many a person. And THAT has to feel really good!! I just love how you share so freely from your soul…it’s a beautiful thing, Mark. And I am so grateful you share it here!
      Much love and light, friend 😊💜🙏

  3. Sadly, I’m not good at reading signs unless they are very, very obvious. Like the other night when I was having some pain and wondering if I needed to see my doctor about it. I got up, went to the doctor’s portal, and lo and behold, he had an appointment available the next morning! (And he’s usually kind of hard to get into.) So I took it, and found out that everything is okay, and am feeling much better!

    1. Oh my gosh, Ann! What a sign…I am very happy you took the sign and the appointment. And happy to hear that you are feeling much better and that everything is okay. I think our bodies ALWAYS tell us when we should pay attention…but that doesn’t always mean we listen!
      Sending lots of healing light…and wishes for your continued health! 😊💜

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