The key is awareness

As I walk these roads full of struggle and pain
I look to my left and I see a friend fighting for her life
And I look to my right and I see hungry children
And the fear rises like a fog that blankets a warm pond
And I know that now perhaps more than ever before
I have to keep my energy clean
I have to lean to the side where light enters and illuminates all that is good
And while I can be aware of the darkness
While I can empathize with the pain
I can not add to it


Lorrie <3


Lean to the side where the light enters

Light and dark…

I have more experience with the dark, but I much prefer the light. It is so easy to go back in the rabbit hole and be consumed with the pain before you even realize that you’ve fallen.

Awareness. The key is awareness. We are responsible for one thing and one thing only. It is not to sit in judgment of everything “out there,” but rather to sit in awareness of everything that is internal…everything central to our individual thoughts which make up our personalities; govern our actions; determine our reality.

These are trying times that will test a human’s resolve and in the end determine the direction of our lives by the collective energy we impart to our world.

Exactly what are you contributing?


Posted by

Intuitive | Author | Creator | Change Maker | Good Animal

46 thoughts on “The key is awareness

    1. Thanks, Neha. These times are so challenging and I sometimes find myself adding to the negativity. For some reason it is easier to fall down…than it is to rise up… I don’t know…GRAVITY?
      Stay well my friend…and always rise up!

    1. Hi Ka! It does not surprise me that we would be vibrating similarly 😉 I will be over to see as soon as I write this.
      I know you have been so busy and it makes it even harder to live life while we are navigating this pandemic. It makes me sad to think about young children and how much different their lives will be due to the changes we must make.
      I hope you and your beautiful family are wonderful and exploring all good things during this time. Much love, friend <3

      1. Yes, Lorrie, it’s been *very* challenging and not having ANY family in the same state, even. My grandmother died on July 29 across the country, and I had my 40th birthday on the 7th. Naturally it’s stressful to be a parent under normal conditions… but I focus on gratitude, when I can 🤗 that’s just a few of the things…

        1. And my heart feels your struggles…and your pain. Know you are never alone and that many care for you. I know how hard it is to be a parent…but these times must make it exponentially challenging…and not to have other family to help is hard!
          But I know your strength…you have a deep well of it. Lean in to it whenever it feels too much!
          I am so sorry for the loss of your grandmother, but my, what a life she must have lived! And many, many sweet wishes for your 40th birthday. I have one coming up soon…and as my son will be 40 this year I realized I am old enough to be your mother! 😉

    1. Received and returned to you, Val! I think back to the beginning of my blogging journey, which was also the beginning of my enlightenment. I remember exactly when we connected! Thank you for shining your light…which is so true and unwavering. Sweet Blessings my friend. Thanks for adding your energy here! <3

  1. I’m happy to “see” you here Lorrie. And thank you for the encouragement and honest reflections. It is easy to fall and so important to keep filling our cups with love and compassion, then rise and share those with the world. Big hugs and a touch of love. 💞

    1. Thanks, Brad 🙂 I have thought of you often while I was away. I love your response here…and the energy I can feel from you. I hope that things are going well for you and that you are indeed filling your own cup! We have so many choices to make during these hard times…some of them large…some small…but all important I think. May you feel the same love you sent my way! Sweet Blessings <3

  2. Wise words, Lorrie. So many people are struggling, and even for those whose lives haven’t changed dramatically, the stress seems to drift in the air. Conscious efforts to be aware, to breathe, to balance, to find spaces of peace are essential. A lovely post that made me smile.

    1. Thank you, Diana. It is hard to not catch that drift! Your words echo a great recipe for us to combat all that would bring us down…thanks for sharing your energy here! 😁

  3. Beautiful words Lorrie that resonate to my core. Lightness over dark. Love over fear. That’s what I wish for you, and for all of humanity. 🙏💙

  4. I am contributing LIGHT, Lorrie. I have disconnected from the world in order to stop the continual bombing of the onslaught of horror seen everywhere. In so doing, I am able to keep my light shining and so so very strong. I am learning NOT to take what is happening personally. These things are for those who must wake up and they shall, my friend. Keep in mind, we’ve had years experience of inner work but the majority have not. Now it is their turn to heal IF they so choose. I’m creating a beautiful world!!! Love ya!! xo

    1. Hi Amy!! I can feel your light through your words and your truth is so palpable! I, also, have to disconnect from the onslaught of “news” which is always slanted to gloom…and doom! It seems that something huge had to happen to force awareness…I just hope that the majority of people open their eyes…and their hearts…and help move us into a “light” period!
      It is so nice to see you. It sounds like you are well and have been taking care of yourself during this pandemic. I have been so busy…it is a time of great change for me…many things changing at once and it requires a lot of work. I do at times miss the social side of life…the connection with friends (in person) and I surely miss hugs!!!
      Stay well my friend…I will be over to get a dosenof your light soon😉💜

      1. I have a new post up, Lorrie, which goes into some detail what I’ve been doing with my life. My life too was upended leaving me in shock, horror and depression. Finally CHOOSING to leave the insanity behind by yes for one thing NOT listening to media of any kind, I then began to focus how to rebuild my life. I too miss desperately the social life I once had and believe me, I’ve mourned that. We are social beings deliberately forced to stay apart until that is, we figure out a way for socializing again in a new and different way. Until then I interact with people on my walks in the parks I go to and my neighbors as well. I miss hugs so badly! This too shall pass, dear friend. This is a time to HEAL and GROW into our whole selves. We can do this! Sending so much love to you! xo

        1. And connecting here!!!…I can feel your virtual hug and I have missed you…and missed being here! This is a time that will determine so much…both personally and globally! I am not certain that most realize just how important this time is!
          I am sorry you had to go through so much…I can feel the pain of your struggle…but I can also feel your healing. Keep moving forward, Amy! I know you will!! If there’s any way I can help you…I am here💜

  5. This is a thoughtful poem you’ve written, Lorrie. And thoughtful afterthoughts too. Agree we can’t be involved in everything no matter how much we want to help. Sometimes if we put ourselves out there without thought or preparation, we might end up hurt or burnt out. Right now the world is going through stressful times, and everywhere we look we often see hurt and stories of struggle. It’s important to check in with ourselves and make sure we are okay, and do what makes us feel okay. Hope you are doing well. Take care.

    1. Dear sweet Mabel! Thank you for your wonderful words of wisdom and reminders for us to make sure that we take good care of ourselves. I always like the saying “You can’t pour from an empty cup!”
      I am doing well most of the time…taking necessary precautions…life has definitely changed. And that may just be the hardest part…we humans try so hard to fight change. So maybe the first order of business to thriving during these times is to let go of preconceived notions of what “should be.”
      Sending so much love and light to you…stay well!! 😁💜

      1. That is good to hear you are doing well most of the time. It’s a different life for so many of us now, and we all need to adapt. Take care, Lorrie.

  6. This is lovely and timely. I’ve been looking back through periods of darkness lately in an attempt to recognize and let go, and I think it’s working but it’s also the hardest thing ever. Not to mention the world in general right now. I hope you are well! I love your declaration of not adding more dark to these trying times. You exude light anyway. 😊

    1. Hi Kristen!! 🙂 Thank you! You are so sweet to say that. I am sending you healing energy to help you on your journey. I understand how those forays into the darkness can have such a profound effect on your healing and moving forward. I applaud you for your courage to take this on…but I also know you will be rewarded…greatly! 🙂
      I am well. Handling these times the best that I can. I have moved over the last month so I have many changes…but on the whole they are very good ones. I am happy. And it is hard to not feel the pain of the world and all the people who are suffering…I just wish some of the steam could be gently released…it feels like a pressure cooker that is ready to blow its top!!
      Stay well, my friend. Honor your truth. The more we learn about ourselves, the better the journey becomes. Much love and light <3

      1. Congratulations on your new place! I hope most of the actual moving part is over now~ that’s never easy. You are so right about the pressure cooker! I’m definitely curious what it will take for some of that steam to clear. ✨

        1. All the moving is done (it was a close move so I only used movers for heavy furniture…so I think that was harder!) And I LOVE my new home…everything about it😁 Thanks for your well wishes…sending good thoughts back to you😁💜

  7. A powerful and insightful post. You inspired me with your words. I feel your conviction to stay on the light side. I have seen the best in humanity and I have come across ones you can’t even call human. I will always fight for the light and spread positivity until my last breath. Thank you for sharing. God Bless.

    1. Thanks so much for adding your light…and your conviction here😁 It is always a wonderful day when we can connect in energy and magnify the light. I too, have come across all kinds…and I pray for them all!! Many Sweet Blessings to you. I look forward to sharing more.

    1. You are so correct, Inese! Many times people think they are one small person and that what they do does not matter…but it all matters!
      You stay well too, my friend! I got into my room yesterday and I fatootzed around finding a place for all my “things” I thought of you and what you said😉
      Have a wonderful week!! 😁💜

    2. Dear Lorrie, so wonderful to hear your “voice” again. I love that line, “I can empathize with the pain, but I cannot add to it”. I agree the best we can do is be aware, of who we are and what is around us and try to balance it all with vulnerability and kindness. I miss you dearly. Your friend, Harlon

      1. Hello my friend💜 I’m happy you resonate with this post😁 It would be so easy for me to fall down in to the black hole with all that surrounds us. It is a constant effort to keep my energy high ..and in the light…but the payout is worth it!! So, so worth it!!
        Hope you are healing more and more every single day. I miss you too…but we are always connected!!!😁💜

  8. It always tickles me in a spiritual way when I think I’m coming to a post like this late, like coming late to a party, but it’s really right on time, because I was meant to read this on this very day. Thank you for your lovely light, Lorrie. <3 Sending you hugs and big blessings!

    1. Welcome to the party, JoAnna!! I love your comment and it makes me really happy to know that you got something you needed here😁
      Here’s to light that shines and reaches the dark places! I know you shine your light☀️
      Hope you and yours are well…stay safe💜

  9. Wise words Lorrie… Being aware and not holding onto the pain of it all… Is the KEY…. Sending love and Blessings your way my friend….It was wonderful to see you today… Much love sent your way <3

    1. Thanks, Sue🙂 It really is that holding on thing…not willingly letting it go…that gets so many in to trouble!
      I realize more and more every day just how impermanent this life is and the more we 👊 grasp…the more we lose!
      Here’s to letting go…and letting God!! 😉💜

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