Lyrics of My Soul


There is a darkness

that pervades the periphery of my mind

I’ve tried to ignore it

I’ve tried to pretend that it isn’t there

I’ve tried to add light to erase it

I never thought it would come to this


Perhaps deep down I always knew it would

No matter

It is here now

the realization that what I was most afraid of being

I most probably am

and that which I thought would never forsake me

never betray

has been the biggest betrayal of all

How does a heart that feels this


What does it do to bridge the gap of reality

versus a dream that it held onto for so long

So long it almost became the reality


The time has come to work with the truth

The truth that was obscured by the lies

that felt better on the superficial skin you wear

But where did that get you?

Your soul eternally exists in the realm of truth

It can only buy into the falsehoods for so long

The falsehoods that the ego would have you believe

The falsehoods conjured up to make it seem better

But which are in direct discord with the melody of truth

that rises in the chorus of your life

Your song is being sung

and the music will portray

the truth of your desires

and the words

will speak to a soul

May it be one of truth

May it be






Jump ahead 4+ years and read, “Tethered to Chains.” This is a tribute during such a difficult time in my life where I had to remind myself that any forward movement…is good movement.

Sweet Blessings!


Posted by

Intuitive | Author | Creator | Change Maker | Good Animal

59 thoughts on “Lyrics of My Soul

  1. Hi Lorrie. Just going to throw this out there, fully aware that it may sound like a whole bunch of gobbledegook, but I think it’s gobbledegook that at least points out a direction that’s worth thinking about. Here goes: wholeness (living in the Truth) is not about denying or suppressing the shadow but integrating and transcending it. And I’m thinking that can only begin to happen as we learn to let go of our exaggerated needs to be right and/or perfect. Well, I hope there’s at least a kernel of truth in there somewhere. Peace, Lorrie. –Dennis

    1. Such WISE gobbledegook Dennis!!! 🙂
      I love what you have written….and it is so wonderful to see it because I am living it!!! Yes…I had a bit of a rude awakening of late. But I, just moments ago said, that it is OKAY! It is okay to embrace what I thought was the darkness…what I was “afraid” to be…it is okay to BE IT! Because I am IT…and so much more

      Thank you my friend, your words have “struck a chord” in the melody of my life! I hope my response, full of my own gobbledegook, makes sense!!! <3 🙂

      1. Happy to see these words of yours: “Because I am IT…and so much more.” Without AND SO MUCH MORE our journey gets WAY too burdensome. Mucho peace! –Dennis

    1. Ooops! Brad….do you have a recorder in here??? 🙂 🙂 Nobody likes to belt one out more than I do!!! And goodness…if it is about me I can only imagine how loud I could get! 🙂 The terrible thing is I think I sound pretty good when singing in the car….but unfortunately I have heard myself recorded singing! A giant apology to anyone who was ever next to me at a stop light!

      Much love to you Brad! <3

      1. LOL my dear. I’m smiling and laughing with you. I sing OK, but remember hearing my own voice recorded the first time and wondering who the heck that was!

        I bet you can sing better than you think and regardless if you enjoy it, Sing Out!! XD

  2. “Your song is being sung
    and the music will portray
    the truth of your desires
    and the words
    will speak to a soul
    May it be one of truth
    May it be
    –Here here to that Lorrie. I want to be authentically me too. There’s no one else like me, so I better do the job of being me 🙂
    Even though I have my faults and slip up and sin, and always will, I have a God that made a way for me to be cleansed of them, receive mercy and grace. He remembers that I am but dust, and like a silly sheep so easily I fall away from Truth. He brings me back.
    I hope you’re ok, my friend. Sounds like you’ve been going through a bit of a rough time.
    Hugs and love
    🙂 <3

    1. Oh Staci! Dear friend….thank you!! <3 Yes…I have gone through a "growth spurt!" I remember when I was young and I would complain that my legs hurt so bad (in hindsight it was a disease) but my Mother always said it was growing pains! So sometimes it is true that to grow spiritually we go through some pain. I am so good right now because I realize where the pain came from, which gives me the tools to deal with the life experience.

      Your words give me courage as well…Yes…I have that God also….he is so forgiving and full of grace and mercy…we are very lucky girls!!! I have always known that everything will be okay…since a very tiny little girl…no matter the trauma I experienced. I am Blessitude…so blessed and full of gratitude!!! <3 <3

      Hope you are super!!

      1. I’m doing well Lorrie. Thank you. Yes, I believe that growth definitely comes through the difficult times. Kind of like the old saying, “No pain, no gain.” I like to think of faith as a muscle. It needs to be exercised to grow. It needs to be pushed and torn and then then mend to become stronger.
        Many blessings to you.
        🙂 <3

      1. Thank you, my dear! It is easy to give praise to the workings of the Lord through His beloved ones…

        Look to love for the answers to all things, in this world and the next!


          1. You will, because you are so mindful of it already! Grow the love you have in your heart and temper it with the wisdom of the Lord…

            “…but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.” (2 Peter 3:18)

            Take care, Lorrie.


  3. I’m with Dennis and Hariod here 🙂 I love how you recognize how important facing these aspects of yourself is. It is never easy and take a lot of courage and faith. In life we try to banish them. When all they want is some of love and acceptance.
    Learning to love what we have thought is so unlovable is truly transformational.
    Val x

    1. Val!! Yes!! That is it in a nutshell!! The darkness that I have fought so hard against is there (possibly strengthened by the fight?) And when I examine it…is it darkness at all?? Or just an idea that I lived with for so long that it became a reality for me. These are the hard questions…

      Much love to you <3

      1. When we have been hurt we create darkness in our mind to protect ourselves. When the time is right we have the strength to look at it and see it for what it is.
        And allow the light to come in to heal…..
        So happy for you in this warrior journey of awakening to a new way of being Lorrie.
        Val x

  4. We need darkness, because it makes LIGHT brighter Lorrie! … “Your soul eternally exists in the realm of truth”, yes it does! Lies are unable to last… they are like fog… they always tend to disappear… “Authentically YOU”… this song is authentically YOU indeed, it’s made of light and awareness, it is… blessitude! You speak to my soul, you sing to my heart and you fill it with wonders! Lorrieful song we all should learn by heart. Let’s be TRUE! Thank you my dearest friend. ♥♥♥

    1. My dear friend. honor me with the way you see me! I want to see myself through your eyes because if I did there would never again be any sign of self-abuse!! I am learning in this earth school Frédéric. ..and beautiful beings help me with my lessons. YOU always teach me…and I am so grateful for this tutelage 🙂 May you be blessed with Angels to guide you on your path!

      And your comment about lies being like fog!! Ah! Yes! And I believe there is a poem there!! <3 <3. Much love and we'll being!

  5. First what FGM said is absolutely the truth of the matter. There is a measure of darkness in all of us. Half the battle is recognizing the darkness and then learning how to master it. Here’s a Cherokee parable that tell us how so well:
    An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life…
”A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. 
”It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.
One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego.
The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. 
This same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, 
”Which wolf will win?”
The old chief simply replied, 
”The one you feed.”

    1. So so wonderful! Thank you Natalie! ! I have heard this parable before…but never had the impact that I just received reading it now! Perfect…wonderful…divine timing…OF COURSE!!!! Thank you my dear friend. My “good” wolf thanks you as well, for feeding her when she is so hungry!!! <3 <3 <3

  6. @”May it be Authentically YOU…” – yes, Lady Lorrie: dare be(ing) YOURSELF and your soul will follow your pathway… <3
    * * *
    “Being yourself is one of the hardest things because it’s scary. You always wonder if you’ll be accepted for who you really are . I decided to call my record “Inside Out” because that’s my motto about life. I don’t think you ever succeed at trying to be anyone else but who you truly are.”(Emmy Rossum)

    1. Oh Me’lanie. ..Thank you! It’s as of you have a direct connection to my heart…my mind. You sum things up so beautifully. I am forever grateful for your words…your ideas. And I love when you send me to a post of yours! Much love <3

      1. you’re very welcome, Lorrie and I do care for your well-being… <3 I'm sincere, direct, selfless, unconditional, straight to the point, no useless or bbb = boring "bla-bla"… 🙂 courage, strength and look ahead, babe! 🙂

        last but not least: please, remember the famous lines of Henley's "Invictus"(Undefeated, invincible):
        "It matters not how strait the gate,
        How charged with punishments the scroll,
        I am the master of my fate:
        I am the captain of my soul."
        * * *
        oh, I always mention my source(s), and sometimes it happens to be my playground… 🙂 HHH=huge heartfelt hugs… <3

    1. Yes…so true Barbara! It has its price…but I think the price to live any other way is so much higher! Here’s to living in the moment in our own skin! I hope you are shining!! 🙂 <3

  7. Hello Lorrie. I stopped by to thank you for following my blog and saw you read many of my posts. It it so appreciated. I have read a bit of your work here and it so beautifully prosaic. I’m kind of straight forward, no fluff writer but do so love to read all the beautiful poetic pieces you write. I’ve found this one particularly interesting. We all struggle with our shadow side but it is true that there must be contrast in everything. No one is all good or all bad. The entire universe has contrast to keep it moving forward. I have learned to embrace my shadow (dark) side to keep it from getting out of control. Sometimes I tease it and we have a good laugh. I’ll be back shortly for more visits. Thank you again.

    1. I love what you wrote here…especially the part about teasing your shadow!! 🙂 Yes…I agree with your assessment that we all have good/bad …that everything does! It is the pendulum that swings to and fro and finds a balance in between. That is the place I am learning to live in…to be able to honor all that is 🙂 I’m really happy you stopped by and commented. Have a super weekend!

  8. OH wow this is beautiful! I love your song! It is beautiful! I noticed that somehow WP unfollowed you so if you notice that I clicked follow again I wanted you to know why! 😀

    1. Hi Michelle Marie!! Thank you so much. I really appreciate your beautiful comment and will be over to your blog soon. I wonder why WP does that…it happens to me sometimes also. Hope all is super in your world !:)

  9. A profound poem here Lorrie.. seems like you have searched and found your lyrics and they definitely Sang your Truth… May you continue to find more pieces that add to your album.. Blessings..
    Oh and Love the new look.. it Jumped out at me.. 🙂

    1. Hi Sue! Yes…what a wonderful way to describe a life…an album…photo…music…it’s all in there!! 🙂 I’m glad you like the new look…I just found another tweak I need to make. Hope your world is super!! <3

  10. Lorrie It is so great to see our reflection in one another and know the beauty in embracing “all of you”
    you are a beautiful flower that has opened its petals to all of yourself. I see your beauty my friend and have gratitude to have such a soul FULL blogging world to come to where my soul family hangs out. I just remember the saying that what we resist will persist. I send a big Angel Hug of warmth around your words as we flow with the ebb and flow of our growth together. YOUR GIFT for writing IS AMAZING! Heart to Heart Robyn

    P.S. a blogging friend took a peak back to her beginning posts of 5 years ago when she started and was amazed at her inner changes. I feel like that even after 7 months, I told my husband are you sure it has only been 7 months? Time seems to blend together these days into light years. I have been following your blog for about 6 months and we have gone into the depth of our divine soul my friend.
    Where all of us who dare to dive hang out.

    1. Ah!! I love this response! Thank you dear Heart to Heart Robyn!! I am so honored to be a part of such a beautiful blogging community 🙂 I truly feel inspired by you and others who “hang” here…if I can’t be as present I miss you all so much! I spent a lifetime around people who really didn’t understand me. I was always a little different in my views and to find loving people here who not only like, but embrace the things I think is just magical!!

      May we all grow together…in the time that you have noticed appears to be gathering more speed. You elevate me with your presence and I am so grateful!! Much love to you <3 <3

  11. Dear Lorrie, I love your poem and envy your artistic gifts. I have always wanted, no, needed to be an artist, but my easel stands, covered, as if to say, “Not yet”. I still have other work to do. And, perhaps it’s true. My energy seems to be needed (or at least it’s being used) to assist my Spirit Teacher by sharing the many emotional and intellectual struggles I have with Him as He teaches me (why me?) about life as it was meant to be lived and still could be lived, if we dared to wake up from the illusions that we are socially-conditioned to believe. And then our dear ego is so abused, even by good people, who mean well but either don’t see or pretend not to, that we learn to want morn and more of more and more. Our social life is directed by big business and high-priced advertising. It goes on.
    But, your poem is so real, and as any true artist, it is created from lived experience that has not,
    nor can it ever extinguish the light that shines beneath all the suffering this world shares with us.
    The world that inflicts pain is also suffering pain. We each need to learn compassion that comes from awareness of the oneness of all life, and then awareness expresses itself with compassion and love for ourselves as well as for everyone and everything else.
    I’m beginning to sound like a Sunday preacher. I only want to say that I admire that young and
    active and good energy you express.
    And, to thank you for enjoying my (they really belong to Spirit) posts, and with a little artistic
    style (which I do not possess) and editorial help (which may someday come) they do have potential as a basic text for study of spiritual ethics, which Spirit tells me is fundamental to any social progress.
    Your poetry and its subject matter is beautiful.

    1. Oh, Jean…Thank you so much! I just loved reading your response. I am in the middle of a very, very trying period of life. I am so grateful for my spiritual work thus far, because I do not think I would have been able to handle the things that life is throwing at me otherwise. And reading your posts and this response remind me of how far I have come…and it gives me the strength to walk in faith. And while I feel stress…there is a deep knowing that everything is going to be okay. Thank you so much for your very beautiful, very kind words to me. They have touched my heart at a time that they were oh, so needed! I miss being here…and I don’t know when I will be able to post…I am very behind keeping up with reading and responding. I think I looked for a “follow blog” button on your site where messages would automatically go to my email…but I don’t think you have one. I don’t get to the “reader” much and I am afraid to let our contact “fall through the cracks.” Thank you again…I am Blessitude!! Much love to you and many blessings <3 <3

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