Meditation Dream ~ 8/21/15


Old habits die hard.  Or so I’ve been told.  I shrugged and tried to let it roll off my back…pain bubbles that can’t penetrate…

But it was more of the same. The same kind of hurt…the same kind of duck maneuver, and I thought of Albert Einstein and I knew it was insanity.

Time to move on.  Once and for all.  Octopus…invading my mind tells a story.  ‘Detach a limb at will to distract a predator,’  hmmmm….

A meditation bath…a limb removed and buried…cleansing…clearing…

And the resulting poem paints its own picture:


It’s always the same

Hard as I try to change it

It remains


like before

doesn’t matter how I crave it

I’m still ignored


for a change

I can’t keep repeating the same things

I’ll go insane


lowered to the ground

bury the limb that holds it all

never to be found


I can barely breathe

each shovel of dirt may as well

be placed on top of me


to see them go

I bade farewell and bless them all

viewed as friend and foe


them for their role

the molten lava poured on my heart

did not deter my soul


begins to fall

sprinkles the softened earth with life

beginning to heed the call


begins to shine

flowers bloom a songbird sings

step in to what is mine


In the form of knowing

takes me by the hand

it’s always showing


from deep within

send it out to everyone

it’s a beautiful place to begin


that it will come back

as long as you give you will receive

and never experience lack


from all your woes

feel it from the top of your head

to the very tip of your toes


for all mankind

that you know the strength you’re made of

and that you’ll always find


direct the show

I wish you love and kindness

and that you’ll always know

that its all

up to you

have presence of mind

and come from love

in everything you do!


Lorrie <3


Posted by

Intuitive | Author | Creator | Change Maker | Good Animal

63 thoughts on “Meditation Dream ~ 8/21/15

  1. beautifully said my friend…the transition from being hurt to letting the sun shine is perfectly expressed…much love and hugs to you…and may pain never stay too long with you and may that sun continue shining <3

    1. Oh Neha, your words are like a beautiful prayer and I hold them close to my heart! Thank you dear friend. I am well…and I learn every day 🙂 Much love to you <3

  2. Hugs my friend. It sounds like your kind heart is leading you through some challenging transformations. You keep returning to the light with more love and wisdom. 🙂 I like how Dennis expressed letting the pain and love shape us. Blessings!

    1. Ah, yes, Brad!! It is all true! And I love Dennis’ words also…I love ALL of Dennis’ words 🙂 Thanks, Brad…life is a series of ups and downs…and I think as long as we see a lesson in all of it…as long as we realize where and how we fit in to this very large picture…then I am happy!! Much love and many blessings for a wonderful Sunday!! <3

  3. Wow! I love this poem, Lorrie! A beautiful meditation that will support movement forward, upward and into the light of new, wonderful experiences. Blessings <3

  4. Take heart, Lorrie. The truth is, because we are human, we will find ourselves running on the same hamster wheel again and again. We can take delight, however, knowing wisdom comes in the realization we’re on it and stepping off sooner and sooner every time. 🙂

    1. Oh, I so agree, Susan!! Yes…that is what I feel like…I am able to have clarity and understanding…able to let go of the damaging negativity way sooner than I used to be able to. I am so thankful!! So nice to see you…I hope that all is super in your neck of the woods <3

    1. Thanks, Kim! I owe that healing to you my friend!! Seems there are a few of nature’s creatures reaching out to help me 🙂 I’m surprised I didn’t think to look up the symbolism…so I am very grateful you led me in that direction!!

  5. Oh, Lorrie, I am just covered in goosebumps. What a powerful prose you have written here, one that just spoke so eloquently and deeply to me. Letting go …. praying we know what we can change, praying we know what we are not able to change, and praying we have the wisdom to the know the difference. (Prayer of St. Francis) In order to keep growing, in order to keep moving ahead, we must embrace change and sometimes that means saying goodbye. Beautiful beautiful poem and gorgeous flower!! Bless you, Lorrie, for the Walk you Talk. (((HUGS))) Amy <3

    1. You just made me tear up…I felt the emotion just pour out of my heart in response to your beautiful, loving energy!! That is a beautiful prayer that is very wise and I feel so lucky to be able to share this walk with you, Amy! Much love to you my friend ♡♡

      1. Now my Heart is clutching and I have tears in my eyes from your words. I too felt your Love and Light as I read what you wrote. I am just so grateful to have this Blessitude Experience today. Thank you, Lorrie. Love, Amy <3

  6. This was so powerfully insightful. The Octopus illustration was so meaningful. I have watched documentaries on them and how vulnerable the mother is while she broods over young. it was perfect for your message.

    It ministered to me. I am thankful for many things and I do have a measure of joy, but I did have an experience over a year ago that was and still is so painful. I pray for restoration many times each day. Thank you for writing this.

    Love and Blessings,

    1. Dear Theresa,
      My heart hurts because I can feel your pain. I’m so sorry that you had to experience something that left such a mark…and I will continue to pray for you every single day. I know that sometimes we are dealt things that we can not even begin to understand, but I know that there is always a reason. If my words helped you in any way then I feel so blessed. I wish there was more I could do to make you feel better…and I will try. Keep praying, Theresa…I know it works! Much love to you…thank you so much for your honest sharing <3 <3

  7. Your words , Lorrie ! …they touch me in the depths , I have been with the same struggle lately and I am now going to copy your poem of truth into my favorite notebook after I meditate as I read out loud another time ….thank from a heart your words have inspired …you are a beautiful light in my world …love , megxxx

    1. Hi Meg,
      I am so happy that my words could be a powerful source to add to your healing!! It is a beautiful thing when we write something that helps us and then we share it…and it actually helps someone else!!! That feeling is called LOVE, I think! Thank you for sharing with me. And I pray for you to have understanding with this energy that you find yourself in. Much love <3 <3

  8. This is sounding like a seminal moment Lorrie; am I right? When you say “time to move on. Once and for all.”, is this conviction firmly within you now may I ask? H <3

    1. Hi Hariod! I read this response last night and have thought about it off and on ever since. Of course, the easy short answer is, I sincerely hope so! 😉 But that is wishy washy and leaves the door open to further pain. I shall continue to explore this question Hariod, and the blocks I may have to declaring total conviction! You have created another level of healing, I believe! Thank you for your gentle guidance <3

  9. It takes courage from the heart to break free from habits, comfort, accepting that what we have is enough, and our resolution to make do. So many messages passed down from women before us.
    I held on to this for over 15 years.
    Yet It need not be that way.
    No amount of positive thinking and intention will bring about what we yearn for.
    The time will come and you will know when to take action. It becomes intolerable to live any other way.
    Facing what is the the biggest challenge of them all… Being true to you.
    (If I am way off base here, please let me know Lorrie)
    Sending only love your way.
    Val xo

    1. I don’t think you could ever be off base, dear Val! I’m not completely certain we are talking about the same exact scenario…but everything you wrote is sincere and could apply to any number of events!
      You are spot on about the biggest challenge is ‘being true to you.’ I have for too long hidden myself so as to ‘fit in’ with certain people in my world. I will work through it…and I will relieve the perceived pain. After all, I decide what I think, so I am the one who attaches ‘pain’ to the situation…right?
      Much love right back to you <3 And thank you!! <3

  10. I love this 💖. I normally dont “promote” my posts on other people’s blogs, but I cant help thinking that the angel message I posted on my blog today, was little bit for you too dearest sister 😊💕. Your powerful poem made me think of it 💕💕.

    1. Dearest Trini…I don’t view it as promoting your post and quite frankly I would never mind promoting anything you have written!!! So promote away!! I will be over to read your Angel message…and I thank you soooooo much for your dear heart and thinking of me!! <3 <3

  11. Lorrie… this took my breath away… so many times we think we bury our pain only to have it push its way up and out .. Cutting off one of those limbs takes courage.. and loved your analogy here

    Both friend and foe… Yes all have come to teach us both with pain and joy.. learning that all is part of this journey..
    Many thanks Lorrie for your sharing… I am blessed to have you and share in your thoughts..

    love Sue <3xxx

    1. Thank you, Sue!! Wow! I love the aspects you brought to light from my poem…and I really love that you feel my words. I am grateful for you…and I KNOW that our energies are expanded by each other. Thank you for your wonderful presence here…and your presence EVERYWHERE!! Much love to you…I hope you have an awesome week! <3

      1. Aww Bless you Lorrie.. I know I do not get to see all of your posts as time is often limited here on the net during our busy time of Harvest and I took time out with family recently to enjoy summer.
        But when ever I read your words they bring such energy, as well as empathy along with the depth of LOVE you bring into each of your posts.. Its my delight to read.. And you fill me up with Light… Thank YOU Lorrie.. xxx And many thanks for this wonderful compliment <3 <3 <3 xxx

        1. No worries, Sue…I have been the same. I am so grateful for the time we do spend together, and I know that you are always there 🙂 Hope you have some time for fun this weekend and that it is filled with love!! <3

  12. Behind every grey cloud, the sun still shines.

    Your poem so perfectly expresses truth rising up out of your beautiful heart — I love how your words embrace you (and thus me) in the wonder of knowing, it is time to live freely in the wildness of all the universe has to offer when we quit holding onto that parts that hurt us or drag us down.

    Many many hugs beautiful Lorrie. Thank you for sharing your poem, and your heart.

    1. Yes!! Thank you Louise!! You said it so beautifully and I know that your sincere heart means it all. We have had many similar things in our lives and to be able to break free from the ugliness and to realize that there is a better way to think…to live…Is an honor…especially to be able to do it with you! Thanks, Louise! Have a super week!

  13. Certainly touching thoughts. Pain is something which doesn’t go away just because we wish so. Pain definitely shapes people and brings out either the worst or the best. I believe that one can survive disasters only when they have enough of strength which comes from the inside. There is breaking point and pain threshold, and it is different for every single person. I don’t think we learn from painful experiences, I think we only develop a coping mechanism over time. We either get over it and start from scratch again and cure ourselves, or we give up and allow the pain to define us. There are people who wear their pain as the most valuable treasure and their existence is carved out of incurable pain. Pain is also something we cannot share, although, there are lots of people who wish you well Lorry, you most likely will have to go through this period on your own. I love that you always remain honest and genuine, and you always have your soul-touching words. Have a great day!

    1. Oh, Inese…your words are so thoughtful and sincere…and I believe they are truth! I know that I did allow myself to be defined by my pain for many years, so I understand what you have said completely! It is a new understanding that I don’t have to live that way, that I don’t have to believe it to be so, and I am one by one, striping off layers of pain, humiliation and guilt. It is so liberating, and I share it here, I am happy to see you think honestly and genuinely, because it helps to heal me. And the thing that I have found about healing is that we help each other when we share. If I help only one person, it is worth the little bit of fear I sometimes feel right before I push “publish.” Much love to you, you are such a kind, intuitive heart, and I respect your words so much! <3

  14. I love how your verse grew in power and might…perfect for me, on a day when I was feeling sluggish, thank you for helping me tap into my inner power and turn it outward. Love, Harlon

    1. Thanks, my friend! I am happy you ‘felt’ the power growing…that is how it was written…it felt that way for me! I don’t usually ‘try’ to rhyme words…this one just had a life of its own and it came out with that rhythm and rhyme (I think I ‘worked’ on one word.) Anyway…what a wonderful blessing to hear that it helped you turn your inner power outward…WOW!!! Much love to you…and I just had a feeling to tell you to make sure you do something FUN this weekend!! 😉 <3

  15. I enjoyed this piece, Lorrie, and feeling with you the way we butt our heads against the wall sometimes. Clinging to particulars that lead us back to the same starting points over and over. Pain is challenging because if our minds are prone to take pain personally– as in, I must be the cause of this difficulty– then we set up rhythmic cycles of the stuff. We can remain penned in somehow. I often come back to my experience of “forgiveness” when these cycles start oscillating back and forth through me. Forgiveness frees the false meaning from the pain, and there is a simplicity to that that maybe makes room for different cycles. Maybe we don’t latch onto the wave when it comes back by, and find suddenly we’re all alone… we missed the boat… and it’s glorious!


    1. Ah! Michael! I just read this response (I have been having connection problems) and I am about to post a ‘follow up’ to this one. I think you will be amazed at how my post will appear to be a response to what you have written here!! Hariod sent a message which asked if I am truly done with the pain of this…which made me think…and today’s post is what came out of it. It is like you were helping me get to the place that I got to…I don’t know…maybe walking along the shore as we watched the boat motor on by!!! Thank you for the gentle kindness of your beautiful soul…I am ever grateful <3 <3

  16. This is a very strong poem Lorrie. You have really been going through some deep things, haven’t you?
    You know my views on pain. It’s not fun, but often a blessing in disguise. That’s if we allow it to be. It shapes us and teaches us. I hate pain and suffering, but I would be where I am today if I hadn’t of gone through it. I know you are a strong person, and whatever you’re going through, you will handle with strength and maturity. I’m so glad thought that there is hope in this poem too. The sun, the love, the trust, the peace. After the rainfall, comes the sun, right.
    Bless you, my friend.
    🙂 <3

    1. Thank you my beautiful friend!! Yes…there is ALWAYS hope…and faith that all we are going through is for understanding. I believe it completely, Staci!! And yes, there have been a few issues that I am dealing with but I feel so much more prepared…so much more faithful that it is for the good!! I am Blessitude….all that I am shown is for the good!! Much love to you for your beautiful soul…it shines through, Staci…it really does. Have a blessed weekend! <3

    1. Thank you, Kirt!! I am so happy that you liked it. Wishing you a wonderful weekend…hope you get to hike somewhere and take wonderful photos to share with us!! 🙂

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